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  Title Copies
Russian As a Foreign Language for Middle School Students/ Russkij Jazik Kak Inostrannij Shkolnikam Srednikh Klassov By Nina Vlasova (In Russian). The textbook for children of Russian speaking emigrants. (Russian As a Foreign Language, Volume 3) 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 9659069901 
ISBN 13: 9789659069903 
Lisa i zghuravl’ 
ISBN: 5237056652 
Mishkiny sosedi 
Literaturnoe chtenie. 1 klass. Uchebnik dlya obscheobrazovatelnyh uchrezhdeniy. V 2 chastyah. Chast 1 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 509023003X 
ISBN 13: 9785090230032 
Bukvar. 1 klass 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 5170195915 
ISBN 13: 9785170195916 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 5845105250 
ISBN 13: 9785845105257 
Science Explorer, Algebra 1, Geometry and HOLT Math Workbooks 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 0618736956 
ISBN 13: 9780618736959 
Gotovimsya k shkole: Chtenie s uvlecheniem (Prilozhenie) 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 5928502567 
ISBN 13: 9785928502560 
Uchimsya rasskazyvat. Rabochaya tetrad + loto (4-5 let) 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 535301006X 
ISBN 13: 9785353010067 
Testy po russkomu yazyku Vtorays chast’  
ISBN 13: 9785377021070